
Thursday, April 03, 2003

Letter to Parents About SARS

At TCIS, we are very concerned with the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that is spreading throughout Asia. The Songkran Holiday is just around the corner and travel into infected countries (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Vietnam) poses a huge health risk to our school. TCIS has developed a policy that will require the support and honesty of all TCIS members in order to keep our students and staff safe and healthy.

Any student who visits Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam or China is not to attend school or have social contact with other students for 14 days upon returning to Thailand.
Any student having contact with anyone visiting their home from Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, China or Taiwan is not to attend school for 14 days.
Any student having parents who have returned home from visiting Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Vietnam or Singapore needs to remain home for 14 days.
Contact may be made with the school by telephone or email to receive information about school assignments and work covered in class.

Any parent who has visited Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, China or Taiwan is not to come into school for any reason, and is advised to refrain from social contact with other TCIS families for 14 days.

Teachers and Staff:
Any teacher or TCIS staff member who visits Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam or China is not to attend school or have social contact with other teachers, employees or students of the school for 14 days. Email and telephone contact will be maintained with supervisors.

This policy may seem restrictive or intrusive. However, given that this outbreak appears to resist most forms of treatment and is escalating, and in light of strong statements from the Thai Government, TCIS feels that the exclusion from school of any possible agent of infection (however remote) is in the best interest of the general school community and the health and welfare of our almost 700 students and employees. We highly recommend students, parent and staff not travel outside of Thailand during the Songkran Holiday.

Thanking you in advance for your support.

Mr. Wei-Kun Tsai
